We’re Live

Quand nous voyons un homme mal chaussé, nous disons que ce n’est pas merveille, s’il est chaussetier.


So we’re live. I shared this website without thinking that it is still under development. And now, I can see pings from various locations in the log records. The toothpaste is out of the tube.

But where are my manners: welcome!

Why Are We Here?

Why we sail is a too broad question for a first post. An easier introductory question is why this website exists. The answer is best served by describing how Jean-du-Sud came into my life.

In July 2022, I was actively looking to purchase a sailboat. I had not much experience in sailing, even less in the market for sailboats, but I was certainly hooked to sailing. As a first purchase, I was looking for a used boat that would forgive a few misinterpretations of the seastate. I was also mildly favouring a full keel sailboat. I knew my price point and that was as much as I knew.

So I hoped on YachtWorld and started looking. My first picks were Island Packets 31, which are well designed, but quite pricey. I also looked at Nordica 30s and some C&C models. Meh.

I stumbled upon Yves Gélinas’ ad for Jean-du-Sud through Facebook. I knew Alberg 30s from the Youtube channel Sailing Tritea and was already impressed by its seagoing abilities. Ironically, I did not know of Jean-du-Sud‘s voyages, even less of Yves Gélinas. Maybe this was so because of a generational divide. Perhaps it was because of my rather new presence in the sailing community. More likely, it was just plain ignorance. (Since then, I read the book and watched the movie: I hope you did too.)

Jean-du-Sud ticked all the boxes. I wanted her for her qualities. Describing my first encounter with Yves is for another post, but suffice to say that one does not simply buy Jean-du-Sud. A perhaps better description is that Yves entrusts her to you. « She is meant for saltwater », I recollect from our exchanges, « will you take her out? ». « That is the plan », I answered, « but it will not happen overnight. »

Under New Management

Skipper shown for scale
Seashores during canadian winters. This is not sand. Six feet skipper shown for scale.

I was entrusted with Jean-du-Sud in October 2022. I had a few charters already planned shortly afterwards and was not able to sail her since.

The English saying is « the cobbler’s wife goes unshod ». It comes from the French proverb « cordonnier mal chaussé », itself derived from Montaigne’s writings (quoted at the top of the page). The meaning, of course, is that we may not fully exploit what we have or know.

That gets us to the point. How can the new Skipper of Jean-du-Sud not know of her history? How could her tale be unknown? Am I the cobbler’s wife?

This website exists to foster Jean-du-Sud‘s stories and history. It is my partial, evolving answer as to how to honour a sailing icon. Québec’s motto is « Je me souviens »: I remember. This is perhaps too backward looking, as I hope she has much stories ahead, but still, much has already happened in her past fifty years. A corner of the web dedicated to her seems appropriate. That’s why we are here.

Also, I need better shoes.

Southy Pier.

p.s.: Jean-du-Sud, obviously, will keep her name.