I want my MTV.
Dire Straits
Besides formal lectures, one can learn a lot from the practical experience of others. Here are some of our favourite YouTube channels about sailing.
All Around Channels
Christian Williams
Christian makes you ponder why we sail. He does so in a kind, humane and tongue in cheek fashion. If you watch long enough, you will further see that his approach to sailing comes from a wealth of experiences. He also wrote books.
Sailing SV Delos
Sailing SV Delos sells the dream. Starting with the Trautman’s brother, the crew evolves over ten year, showing party crews and the formation of families. The channel communicates the sense of freedom that comes with cruising. It also gives a good idea of what the YouTube/Patreons model entails.
Sailing Tritea
James almost lost his life to pneumonia, lost his girlfriend and then lost his rudder. He kindly shows how sailing brings him deliverance, sets trends in terms of counterculture and explains the everyday life of solo sailing. He wrote a book. If you watch him, you will be « super stoked ».
Sailing Distant Shores
The Shard family has produced videos since long before YouTube and it shows in a good way. The channel is what comes the closest to a Michelin sailing guide. Their cruising style also gives good arguments in favor of shallow draft boats.
How to Sail Oceans
I takes a while to appreciate this underrated channel. Kevin Boothby’s approach to videos is similar to his sailing: raw, simple and slow. The channel shows a quiet force at work and great seamanship . You will appreciate this channel for how the thinking process is exposed and for a traditionnalist perspective on gear. It might even convince you to go engineless.
Sailing Millenial Falcon
The future of the bluewater stance is here. Kiara and Adam share their adventures, several tips, lessons learned, all along with contagious laughes. Easy going and fun to watch.
Learning Channels
Carpe Diem Sailing
By far the best YouTube channel to learn sailing.
The Naval Engineering Education Center
A great class on naval architecture and how it affects boat stability.
Québec Channels
Interested in Sailing the St-Lawrence river? Have a look a those two french speaking channels.
« Tadoussac Rimouski en solo – pure bonheur », by Voilier Geronimo On The Go. Voilier Geronimo On The Go A great channel to get a sense of how to navigate the eastern part of the St-Lawrence river.
Voilier Fuligule
Another channel to get a sense of how to navigate the St-Lawrence river.