This table of content links to a handful of techniques and knowledge required for boatwork and DIY projects. Have a look at each section for specific texts, videos, how-to descriptions and designs on a particular aspect of boatwork.
Tools and Providers
- Which Tools Are Useful for Boatwork? Most project can be done with common tools. However, here are three specific tools that are useful for firberglass work.
- Supply Chain Management: supply chain management is critical for achieving boat projects, especially finding local companies with a good return policy.
Boatwork and Repairs
- Introduction to Diesel Engines. A diesel engine relies on a controlled explosion in four stages: intake, compression, explosion and output. Unlike gas, diesel ignites on compression alone in the cylinder: no spark plug is needed.
- Introduction to Batteries. A battery is an arrangement of anodes and cathodes soaked in a conductive material. A chemical reaction transfers electrons from the anode to the cathode, producing an electric current.
- Introduction to Fiberglass: read this if you need to understand how fiberglass works and to see some videos describing practical techniques.
- Engine Bearers Fabrication and Design: need to replace your engine mounts? Read this page to understand how to design and fabricate them.
- Plumbing and Through-hull replacements: do you know the difference between the NPS and NPT plumbing standards? Your insurance company does. Read this text to properly install a through hull.
- Installing and Fiberglassing the Sterntube: read this if you wish to learn about installing and fiberglassing a sterntube. You will find the design and how to install it.
- Tiller Head Replacement. How to replace the tiller head on Alberg 30. It is mostly about finding the supplier.
Project Management
- Power train design. Here is the original text on the power train installation on Jean-du-Sud.
- Execution time of long projects: this text decomposes the install time of a powertrain install on Jean-du-Sud. There are two key factors to monitor to control the execution time.
- Preparation and design: installation is only one part of the project. A good rule of thumb is that preparation and design each take as much time as the install itself.
- Project planning on a sailboat: two conceptions. A « system view » saves time in the short run and provides immediate rewards. A « region view » is more efficient in the long run, but requires patience.
- The cost of boat projects. I detail the costs of several boat projects during the engine install on Jean-du-Sud.
Why Did You Choose Gear X?
- Why a Beta Marine 20? I describe the four reasons why I chose a Beta Marine 20 engine. They boil down to one basic thing. Read the text to find out.
- The Case for an Alcool Stove. How do you guarantee that a propane stove and tank is ABYC compliant on a 1967 boat? By getting rid of it and installing an alcool stove.
- The Yves Gélinas Approach to step and unstep the mast. I describe how Yves Gélinas taught me to step the mast on Jean-du-Sud. The approach takes a day and no additional equipment… if the boat is properly configured.
- Engine Maintenance. I discuss the acronym WOBBLES, discuss of a maintenance schedule and of the importance of engine power curves for fuel consumption planning.
- Rudder Design and Removal: removing the rudder is easy if you know what to look for. Read this to obtain the Alberg 30 rudder design and to look at videos on how to remove it.
Original Texts and Acknowledgements
The texts in these pages were originally written as blogposts. The core came from articles on the powertrain installation on Jean-du-Sud (SouthyPier, 2023a-d). They are still availlable and are referenced below. Other blogposts were added (and converted) with time.
These texts benefited from the help of Julien DT, Alexis L, Patrick M, Sylvain D, Maryline P, James Frederick, Ben Gartside, John Rae and Philip Locker, Chris Lawley, my parents, Chris Riedinger and the good folks in the Facebook Alberg 30 Owner Group for their comments, suggestions and improvements. All errors remain my own.
SouthyPier (2023a). Repowering an Alberg 30: Part 1, availlable on en.jeandusud.com at this address.
_________ (2023b). Repowering an Alberg 30: Part 2, availlable on en.jeandusud.com at this address.
_________ (2023c). Repowering an Alberg 30: Part 3, availlable on en.jeandusud.com at this address.
_________ (2023d). Repowering an Alberg 30: Final Remarks, availlable on en.jeandusud.com at this address.