The rudder design I used is in the picture below. The rudder was manufactured by CCI composite from my measurements (and they produced a profesionnal design, not shown here). They were very patient, professional and they even corrected some of my measurements.
Ex-post, I would only change two things on the design. First, I would increase the rudder post length by one inch (26″ instead of 25″). Second, I would increase the angle of the backside aperture so as the have the backside match the rear line of the hull. The current aperture size tested my patience when dry-fitting the propeller and the rudder. There was not a lot of margin for adjustment! Otherwise, the rudder design works.
Practical repairs or install
Installing or removing a rudder is not rocket science when you understand what to look for. For Alberg 30s, the best material availlable on YouTube is from Sailing Aqua Marie, with a three part video on the rudder (Sailing Aqua Marie, 2022). The owner provides several structural dimensions and some techniques on how to handle repairs. There is also a great video made by Abroad Reach Travel on the rudder removal (Abroad Reach Travel, 2020).
Want to Know More?
Have a look at the « boatwork » section of this website for more practical tutorials and techniques.
Abroad Reach Travel (2020). Bottom Paint and Rudder Shoe | Alberg 30 Refit Episode 11, YouTube Video, retrived online at this url.
Sailing Aqua Marie (2022). Episode 18 – Pulling the Rudder, YouTube video, retrieved on October 2023 at this url.